At As Celik, we accept and undertake to comply with all legal requirements, compliance obligations, and all existing laws and regulations of Turkey in all matters that has the potential to create an environmental impact, in our headquarters that holds Steel Casting Production, Model Design, Machining, Welding and NDT activities, at Organize Sanayi Bölgesi, Dumlupınar Caddesi, No: 8/1 Kutlukent/Samsun, and our Kavak Branch which holds Steel Casting Production, Model Design, Machining, Welding activities at Yeni Cami OSB Mahallesi, 5. Cadde, No: 24/1 Kavak/Samsun. While complying with the laws and regulations, we play a role in the life cycle theory and zero waste studies related to our products, and delicately carry out these activities.
Our Environmental Management System, which is prepared and managed in line with the requirements of ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental Management System Standard, includes activities carried out with all our stakeholders, foresees all the risks and opportunities that may have an impact on the environment, and establishes our commitment to the environment.
As Celik carries out all operations from model production and raw materials (scrap and raw materials purchased from licensed companies (PR11.TA01.FR01 Approved Supplier List, ÇYS01.FR01.10 Determination of Environmental Aspects and Impact Assessment Form-All Processes) to the final product, and according to As Celik Environmental Permit and License Certificate, Non-Hazardous Waste Recycling license, products that have completed their useful life can be reclaimed from the customer with mutual approval and can be included in the production according to the Communiqué on Recycling of Non-Hazardous Wastes (ÇYS02.FR01 Legal and Other Requirements List). The product can be recycled or disposed of by the customer according to the legal regulations of the respective country.
Many different definitions come to mind when we say carbon emission, however, carbon emission is actually greenhouse gas emission. Carbon emission can be simply explained as the release of carbon into the atmosphere.
The main reasons for the increase in carbon emissions and greenhouse gases in the world are the following;
- Uncontrolled population growth
- Industrialization
- Increase in global energy demand
- Increasing need for urbanization
- Reduction of green areas
- Uncontrolled release of greenhouse gases
“At As Celik, we set our sustainability vision as part of our core business strategy and we plan to actualize this vision with long-term objectives. We embrace a business model that is environmentally cautious, uses the world’s resources efficiently, reassures its customers, develops societal contribution during growth, and responds to changing customer behavior proactively. And so, we aim to manage our intangible assets, including human capital, brand value and reputation, innovation strength, at the highest value while investing in sustainability in the information and communication era.”
Our objectives;
- 20% reduction in carbon emissions from logistics
- 30% reduction in paper usage
- 20% reduction in carbon emissions per product in As Çelik Factories with green energy supply
- 100% recycling and zero waste in 2024
- Generating renewable energy with solar panels in compatible production facilities
- 30% reduction in logistics-related carbon emissions by 2024
- 30% reduction of plastics used in packaging by 2024
- 30% reduction in paper use by 2024
- Growth without increase in emission by 2024
- 25% increase in energy efficiency
- 25% reduction in water usage in factories
- To determine the whole life cycle and environmental impacts of products from raw material production to waste disposal with Life Cycle Analysis
We provide shuttle service to our employees, encouraging them to opt for public transportation over private vehicles. Expanding the shuttle service network is within our objectives. Each employee that opts for shuttle service over their private vehicles will also significantly reduce the amount of carbon footprint per person.
We aim to considerably reduce emissions by using green energy products that consume less energy such as energy-saving light bulbs first and LED lights.
In order to reduce carbon emissions on a larger scale, we believe that increasing energy efficiency, giving priority to renewable energy methods, using clean energy in transportation, protecting and increasing agricultural lands and most importantly forest lands is the way to go.
One of the best ways to support the environment is to protect and increase green areas. Apart from the thousands of other benefits they provide, green plants absorb CO2 and release oxygen, which is used by humans and animals. A young tree is known to absorb an average of 13 kilos of carbon dioxide every year.
With that in mind, we aim to plant 30000 seedlings in our Kavak location by 2024.
In order to reduce our carbon footprint, we have initiated efforts to improve our eating habits, besides energy and fuel consumption. At the production stage of each consumed food, certain amounts of carbon dioxide are released into nature. For this reason, we believe that we can contribute to nature by choosing foods that cause less carbon emission in production.
Natural resources and energy consumption used during the production of cattle and poultry cause serious carbon emissions. According to some studies, veal and beef, that is, red meat is one of the main reasons for emission, followed by canned tuna and farm salmon. Therefore, we aim to reduce our carbon footprint by reducing meat consumption and promoting vegetables.
The energy and fuel consumed during the long journey in the process of reaching the end consumer increase the carbon footprint. Therefore, we aim to consume local and organic foods.
Transport and decay of food waste increases greenhouse gas emissions. For this reason, we aim to consume food to the extent determined by our food engineer. We can reduce this by consuming only the food we need.
Composting organic wastes that can return to nature and dissolve without harm is one of the steps that will reduce our carbon footprint. We aim to compost all of our kitchen waste by 2024.
Efforts have been initiated to gain and promote recycling awareness and significant progress has been made. We can make a great contribution to nature in terms of sustainable energy and efficiency by recycling paper, glass, packaging, bottle, etc. For this reason, we have recycling bins both in our production sites and in our administrative offices, and all the waste that can be recycled in our factory is collected separately and sent to licensed recycling facilities. Our target is to reach 100% in recycling.
We aim to make our common living spaces healthier and unharmful to nature by running clean factories.
The growth of individual awareness and practice is one of the main requirements for the recovery of nature and a sustainable future. We aim to reduce our carbon footprint by collaborating, disseminating information and delivering it to organizations that can take larger steps in this direction.
Karbon salınımını daha geniş çapta azaltmak için enerji verimliğinin artırılması, yenilenebilir kaynaklardan elde edilen enerji yöntemlerine öncelik verilmesi, özellikle ulaşımda temiz enerji kullanılması, tarım arazileri ve en önemlisi de orman arazilerinin korunması ve artırılması gibi uygulamaların hayata geçirilmesi gerektiğini düşünmekteyiz.
Çevreye geri kazandırmanın en iyi yollarından biri yeşil alanları korumak ve artırmaktır. Yeşil bitkiler sağladıkları başka binlerce faydanın dışında, CO2’yi emer ve insanlar ve hayvanlar tarafından kullanılan oksijeni serbest bırakır. Genç bir ağacın her sene ortalama 13 kilo karbondioksit emdiği belirlenmiştir.
Buna istinaden 2024 yılına kadar özellikle Kavak lokasyonumuzda 30000 fidan dikmeyi hedeflemekteyiz.
Karbon ayak izimizi düşürmek için enerji ve yakıt tüketimi dışında beslenme alışkanlıklarımızı iyileştirme çalışmaları başlattık. Tüketilen her besinin üretim aşamasında doğaya belli miktarlarda karbondioksit salınır. Bu nedenle de üretiminde daha az karbon salınımına neden olan besinleri tercih ederek doğaya katkıda bulunabileceğimize inanıyoruz.
Sığır ve kümes hayvanları üretim süresi boyunca kullanılan doğal kaynaklar ve enerji tüketimi ciddi şekilde karbon salınımına neden olur. Yapılan bazı çalışmalara göre dana eti ve sığır eti, yani kırmızı et, bu salınım nedenlerinin başında geliyor. Teneke ton balığı ve çiftlik somonu ise kırmızı eti takip ediyor. Bunun için et tüketimini azaltarak ve sebzeye yönelerek karbon ayak izimizi düşürmeyi hedefliyoruz.
Gıdaların uzun mesafeler kat ederek son tüketiciye ulaşma sürecinde kullanılan enerji ve tüketilen yakıt karbon ayak izini artırır. Bu nedenle yerel ve organik gıdaları tercih etmeyi hedefliyoruz.
Gıda atıklarının taşınması ve çürümesi sera gazı emisyonlarını artırır. Bu sebeple gıda mühendisimizin belirlediği ölçülerde gıda tüketilmesini hedefliyoruz. Sadece ihtiyacımız kadar gıda tüketerek bile bu durumun azalmasını sağlayabiliriz.
Doğaya geri dönebilecek ve zarar vermeden çözünebilecek kimi organik atıkları toprağa geri kazandırmak, karbon ayak izimizi düşürecek adımlardan biridir. Bizde 2024 yılına kadar mutfaklarımızdan çıkan atıklarımızın tamamını kompost olarak toprağa geri kazandırmayı hedeflemekteyiz.
Geri dönüşüm bilinci kazanmak ve kazandırmak için çalışmalar başlatılmış çok iyi yol alınmıştır. Kağıt, cam, ambalaj, şişe vb. atıklarınızı ayırarak doğaya sürdürülebilir enerji ve verimlilik adına büyük katkı sağlayabiliriz bu sebeple hem üretim sahalarımızda hem de idari ofislerimizde geri dönüşüm kutularımız mevcuttur ve fabrikamızda geri dönüşümü sağlanabilecek tüm atıklarımız ayrı ayrı toplanarak lisanslı geri dönüşüm firmalarına gönderilmektedir. Bu konudaki hedefimiz ise %100 geri dönüşüm.
Fabrikalarımızı temiz kullanarak ortak yaşam alanlarını çok daha sağlıklı ve doğaya zarar vermeyecek alanlar haline getirmeyi hedeflemekteyiz.
Bireysel bilinçlenme ve uygulamaların büyümesi, doğanın yeniden kazanılması ve sürdürülebilir bir gelecek için başlıca gerekliliklerden biridir. Ortaklaşa çalışmalar yürüterek, bilgiyi yayarak ve bunu daha büyük adımlar atabilecek kurumlara ulaştırarak karbon ayak izini azaltmayı hedeflemekteyiz.